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Art from Africa, America and Oceania at auction
From Africa, Oceania or America, the works presented here open the doors to the world...
These auctions reveal the diversity and richness of non-Western art known as "primitive art" or "non-European art": statuettes, palm masks, reliquaries, wooden mortars, stools, ceramics, wickerwork boxes, metalwork and precious materials... You'll also find African art: Ashanti dolls, Kota reliquaries, Fang masks, Dan, Yoruba, Senoufo, Baoulé, Malinké and Lobi ritual and funerary objects... The cultures of Melanesia, Polynesia and Micronesia are also represented by ceremonial and everyday objects. Fabrics, sculptures, objects made of jade or a combination of embossed metal and stone (turquoise, etc.) and decorated terracotta can be found in pre-Columbian productions, from the Olmecs to the Incas and Aztecs, via the Mochicas and Mayas - in other words, all the cultures of South and Central America. Native American art is also represented, as are the paintings and art of the Australian Aborigines. Last but not least, there is the work of the Inuit peoples.