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Lot no. 1
BUSINESS KNOWN UNDER THE TRADE NAME "BOUCHERIE DE COLOMARS "BOUCHERIE DE COLOMARS Commercial lease for highly visible premises with a surface area of approximately 32 m² for the business of "butchery, charcuterie, poultry and rotisserie" to the exclusion of all other activities. Monthly rent excluding charges € 550.98 not subject to VAT. ASKING PRICE: €10,000 (see special conditions in the specifications) The business includes intangible assets (clientele, goodwill, leasehold rights) and tangible assets for €1,060: see specifications. VISIT BY APPOINTMENT REQUIREMENTS SHEET: On request from [email protected] or can be viewed at Maître BARATTERO's office by appointment and during the visit.
See original version (French)
Pictures credits: Contact organization
Licenses, patents and business assets

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06670 Colomars - France
1 lot
02/20/2025 : 3:00 PM
More than 14,000 lots published