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SUITE Liquidation Judiciaire " Monsieur GRATTIER Pierre Yves " RCS VIENNE 883 469 470 (jugement TC VIENNE du 05 Novembre 2024) Mandataire Liquidateur SELARL MJ ALPES, représentée par Maîtres Caroline JAL et Caroline LEPRETRE, 91/93 Rue de la Libération, 38300 BOURGOIN JALLIEU TOBACCO PRESS" BUSINESS Comprising Intangible assets: trade name, customer base and goodwill, leasehold rights for the remaining term of the lease. Tangible elements: movable property, fixtures and fittings, equipment of all kinds used in the operation of the aforementioned business. Request for sale dated 24 December 2024 PRICE : FIFTEEN THOUSAND EUROS - €15,000 Plus legal fees 14.28%, Plus pre-sale costs Applying to : - 80% to intangible assets - 20% on tangible assets
See original version (French)
Pictures credits: Contact organization
Licenses, patents and business assets

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38690 Le Grand-Lemps - France
1 lot
02/17/2025 : 10:00 AM
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