After liq. jud. SAS BOULANGERIE SAINT ANTOINE under the trade name LA CERISE SUR LE GATEAU, 18 Avenue du Général de Gaulle 74200 THONON LES BAINS: BUSINESS ACTIVITIES IN BOULANGERIE, PATISSERIE, CHOCOLATERIE, SALON DE THE... - Lease for a "Boulangerie-Pâtisserie et Salon de Thé" business - Term 9 years from 1 October 2019 - Commercial premises comprising a shop, a tea room, a pantry, an office, a hall with cloakroom and toilet, a storeroom, a double laboratory and a cellar adjoining the laboratory - In the basement of the building, 3 cellars - On the second floor of the building, a staff flat with 2 bedrooms - In the courtyard of the building, a closed box - Total surface area of 248 square metres - Turnover 2022/2023 : 602,861 euros - 2021/2022: 556,690 euros - 2020/2021: 511,994 euros - 2019/2020: 428,541 euros - Monthly rental income: 3020.58 euros (no recoverable VAT) + 240 euros provision for charges - Property tax payable by the tenant (2574.16 euros in 2024) - Business purchased in May 2024 for 315,000 euros - Starting price 50,000 euros excluding costs with the possibility of a reduction by a quarter (37,500 euros) and a half (25,000 euros) - Legal costs of 14.28% + preliminary costs (approx. 1,000 euros) + registration fees - A security deposit of 9061.73 euros must be paid to the lessor within 15 days of the auction - Specifications are being drawn up - Public viewing 1/2 hour before the sale or by appointment.